What a difference a day makes

Yesterday I spent the day in Lake City and Frontenac State Park with my dear friend Pam. As always, we had a wonderful time—and an equally wonderful long walk in the woods. Here are some of the highlights from our day.

We had a laugh over this not-very-helpful sign from the DNR:

Guess the sign

Then, we marveled at the beautiful sumac-covered hillsides:

Sumac and trees

We stopped at every overlook we encountered:

Pam and view

Saw several trees that had been blasted by lightning:

Blasted tree

… and stopped to watch a pair of deer walk right past the car:


As it turns out, our fall foray was blessed with unintentional foresight.

This morning, we had our first serious snowfall. Just like that, the reds and rust browns had been replaced by slates and grays.

Snowy street

What a difference a day makes.

And what a difference a good friend makes. Thank you, Pam!


  1. Hello H! I carefully pasted in vzD(CWe^y%Sd and all of a sudden I was in! Almost as grueling as walking up that hill we walked up. What a patient pal you are! Thanks so much for driving down to visit and taking such a lonnnnng hike (next time we can knock a mile or so off of it) and being such a wonderful funny kind pal! Lovely photos, too, wish I’d taken one of you on the autumn path!

    Today, indeed, was snowy, so I took my walk in Lake City itself, pleasant but not so pretty.

    Love the blog! It’s so you! Pleasant and kind and wise and beautiful!

  2. Re the sign, I showed the photo to some friends at work and they guessed what it was supposed to say. Here was the best one, from Bill McAuliffe:

    “Don’t feed bobcat in distance.”

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